Suzanne Abu Tair Shamali, Em Tuba, Ramallah

When I return, I will go with all my friends and relatives, refugees and non-refugees, to Akko to celebrate the liberation.  There, I will say I am Palestinian, dance with the sea, sleep on the beach, hold its land, stay awake all night till the morning, then visit all other places in the 1948 lands and meet our people there.

For me, liberation of Palestine means the return of our refugees from all over the world. I can’t even describe how I feel, what I will even do to show my joy for their return. When this comes true, then it really means that justice is taking it’s role after all the past dark decades of pain and injustice. I am sure we will start building our economy and community.

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Dina Omar, A Poem for Jenine

when i return to Palestine i will:

i wish i could hold your hand
across the threshold of a place we only hear in song,
smell in cloths and coffee,
and touch of each others skin

but instead i carry a backpack full of books

bag lady you gon’ hurt your back
carrying all them bags like that

Marx – is the bowl of change on my desk for the next meal
Benjamin – from afar that image is a starburst a beautiful ellipse and when we take steps
closer the lines are made up of a two solders hauling a man faced-down by the legs
Altusser – hey you! keep right or else my face will be the one dragged across the
Said – topos, reality does not matter to the powerful so we must take back what has
been taken for truths sake
Arendt – there is nothing sacred in the abstract nothingness of being just human…
Massad – i will not be your native informant, instead, i will be a pain in your ass
Foucult & Gramsci
June & Darwish
on my shoulders compressing my spine
my body a vessel to transport the bound pages upon pages

and i wish during the long car ride through the mountain
and across the bridge i could hold your hand
advise you how to pack 63 years of heart ache into one duffel bag

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in the upper west side i dream of lost
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when the world is bitter

i have done all my homework
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all to go back to the place where all aching starts

when i return to Palestine

i will throw away all my paints
wear dishdasha everyday
never wear jeans again

i will plant my feet
let them grow into the earth

i will have a family
with the man who kindly
paints uprisings with his fingertips
i will make lebannah sandwiches
for all my loved ones

i will hold on for dear life

Abed Kouttainay, Jerusalem-Bab el Wad

When I return, I will head straight to Al-Aqsa for a couple of short prayers for being able to see it before my time. Then I will go to my place of birth, which I left in 1948, and which still stands unoccupied since we left it, on Km.24, on highway 1, between Jerusalem and Jaffa. If I take possession, I will start the process of reclaiming it, rebuilding it and turning it into a livable paradise, because that is what it is.

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Reem El-Khatib

When I return to Palestine, I will sit under the shade of an olive tree in Um Sleem in Beitilu and breathe in the spirit of my father’s soccer-playing youth, or my grandfather’s role as a principal, or my great-grandfather’s harvesting of the land. Then I will walk, run, and soar to At-Tur to eat a falafel sandwich in Al-Balad, and stroll from my the house my mom was born in to Souq Al Quds to buy a slice of knafa from Jaafar before entering the grounds of Al Harem El Sharif/Al Aqsa. There, I’ll pray and then, sit under the shade of a tree to look out at the beauty before me, and smile at my country, PALESTINE.

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Mostafa Salameh

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